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My name is Ang Pheng Siang

I am currently studying Computer Science and Game Design at Digipen Singapore.


I am pursuing software engineering and development with a focus on full-stack development. My interests lie in Software and Systems Architect development


Featured Projects


3D FPS Game developed in C++ custom-made engine. The player plays as a unicorn with a mission to return the color back to a colorless world. While helping bystanders along the way. 

2D Sidescroller with elements of puzzle solving, developed in C++ on a custom-made engine. The player plays as a mermaid, who travels deep underwater solving puzzles to help others find what they are looking for.

A website that was developed to help manage inventory inside of a lab. Developed with ReactJs, NextJs & Strapi in JavaScript.

gam300 logo.png

Unify by Sleepless10

Luminous by BigBrain


Inventory Management App

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